Wednesday, November 28, 2018

"We Need a High Wall With a Big Gate" Critique (Blog Stage 3)

On Novermber 27 of 2018, Thomas Friedman, American Journalist of the NY Times, wrote a "thought sparking" article regarding the state of the US-Mexican border in the immidieate future. While Friedman dose a good job in analyzing the borders condition from both a democratic and republican point of view, he critisices both parties solution to the problem. Personally, i agree with the fact he mentioned about how Democrats need to be the adults in the situation and offer a more realistic and comprehensive approach to handeling the problem instead of only being in oppose to the republicans dream of building the big wall. After stating both sides solutions and possibilities for the countries issue of national border security, Friedman tends to keep on mentioning how despite your political view, this problem must be resolved as soon as possible and that he believes democrats are going to have to be the "adults" and work together to make an impactful solution. I really like his claim and idea as I am one who believes this issue must be resolved quickly, no matter how dificult it will really be.

Lastly, Friedman does a great job of listing the major pros and cons that illigal immigrants provide for our nation. This article is a must read for anyone intereseted in the current state of our homelands national security, and goes on to mention the authors personal prediciton for our near future regarding the topic.

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