Friday, November 2, 2018

Legal Marijuana Might Just Be a Economical Boom

It seems to have been no shock to the nation that the few states permitting the use of recreational marijuana have seen enormous amounts of statewide benefits. With our current national debt in the united states, an instant question that comes to mind is what are we going to do to get rid of it? According to, legal marijuana sales can potentially federally generate $131.8 Billion dollars in aggregate federal tax revenue by 2025. To back up the claim, Colorado in the year 2016 alone has generated $996 dollars in taxes and fees. Also helping the national debt is the amount of "criminals" in jail for the usage of marijuana that would no longer need to be in jail cells. Keeping more guys out of jail will drastically lower the amount of national funds that we spend on prisons around the nation potentially pushing the nation out of a big amount of debt. With these facts mentioned proving in favor of legal marijuana, it is clear to the nation that whether a fan of the plant or not, it might just be the economical answer the U.S. has been looking for.

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