Monday, December 3, 2018

A Major Topic of Concern for Americans: "The Wall"

It seems to be as if one of the main topics of concern throughout President Trumps presidency is the security of national borders, with the most concerning location being the Mexican American border separating the U.S. and Mexico. Whether a fan of President Trump or not, we as Americans must hope for an effective solution to the problem as soon as possible. Before we address the possible outcomes we really have as Americans, we must acknowledge the fact that even though President Trump has really emphasized building a physical wall to separate the two countries, he has been in power for nearly two years now and we are yet to see the start of it, so keep that in mind as we focus on realistic solutions.

To begin, whether a fan of the physical wall Trump has many times mentioned or not, we need to act on the problem quickly because illegal immigration is becoming a direct threat to many different factors of the U.S.A. Many pros of building the physical wall include drastically decreasing the number of illegal immigrants that enter through Mexico, the wall would be easily patrolled in comparison to the level of difficulty of doing so is currently at, it would keep our nation "safer" rhetorically speaking, and lastly, it would protect the jobs of our hardworking Americans in terms of less competition. While looking at all of these great effects that would come with building the wall, one might think to immediately start the construction, until the cons are mentioned. Cons include the tremendous cost of an estimated 12 to 15 billion U.S. dollars (we are currently in debt), illegal immigration wouldn't stop altogether, and it serves as a literal discrimination towards Mexico potentially ruining a relationship we have worked years and years to build.

In conclusion, as Americans, we must determine the correct solution to this enormous national problem we are currently facing and we all shall all agree that in order to act upon the best solution (whatever it might be) we will have to sacrifice many things we think are white or wrong regardless of a political party.

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