Thursday, September 20, 2018

President Trump Feeling Horribly for Brett Kavanaugh

On September 18, 2018, USA Today released an intriguing article by David Jackson and John Fritze titled "President Trump says he feels terribly for Brett Kavanaugh". David Jackson, reporter of the white house for USA Today, along with John Fritze, White House Correspondent for USA Today, do a superb job in expressing both sides of the questioning story. The article is a comprehensive story of how Supreme Court Nominee and Primary candidate Brett Kavanaugh is being accused of "Sexually assaulting" accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

President Trump seems to be more on the belief that the accusations are just Democrats doing there best to keep Republican Brett Kavanaugh out of the position and that there is no need for an FBI investigation on Kavanaugh. However, all 10 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee "urged" FBI Director Chris Wray to reopen Kavanaugh's investigation of the accusation. The nation is desperately waiting for the decision of the court case to be made as it can play a huge role in future of the Supreme Court. This article is a must read for those interested in representatives portraying their political party as well as those interested in the accusation itself.

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